Today was the last first day of my undergraduate career. It was an especially strange feeling for me since two of the classes that I am enrolled in are primarily made up of first year students. It is an amazing outward difference between us. They are fresh-faced, eager, and anxious for the next best four years of their lives. I am weary, and ready for the next stage of my life. But in reality, the first year students are just me in four months.
Let me explain. I have many theories. One of them is the theory of transitionary periods. There are many times in our lives that we are in a transition period. It is that awkward point between two stages of our lives. And I believe that these transitions get harder as we move forward. The new students at UT have just completed a transition. They have successfully moved onto the next step of becoming an adult. So why do I believe that transitions get harder as we age? Because they are filled with increasing amounts of uncertainty. Sure that phase between childhood was not pretty. Braces, failed make up experiments, embarrassing obsessions with Orlando Bloom believe me I've been there. But with that transition I knew I would grow out of the acne, lose those braces, and move on to being obsessed with more grown up men like Hugh Jackman. Same with the transition from high school to college. Ok, so I didn't know what school I was going to, or whether or not my high school sweet heart and I were going to make it, but I did know what I was going to do. I was going to college.
But now here I am. I'm finishing my undergrad in exactly 109 days. So where will I be in 110 days? I have no freaking clue and that's why this transition is the hardest one I have faced yet. Will I have a job? Who knows! At least with college I knew that since I worked hard, I was going to get in somewhere. It doesn't work like that with finding a job. It's so much more complicated. But I have faith that it will work out for the best, and in 110 days I will be just like the first year students. Fresh-faced and eager to start my professional life.
So that's basically where I am now. As a perfectionist and a planner it is one of the most difficult things in the world for me to let go. So I have a quote I found on pinterest that I have been trying to live out. I think it is something everyone can benefit from.
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not obsess. Just breathe. And have faith that everything will work out for the best." (author not listed)