Sunday, December 9, 2012

Video Art

So, here is my final project! What are the main technological devices we use every day? We use cell phones, lap tops, and ipads probably 50% of our waking day. Those three devices all bring us closer to other people. Whether it's texting a friend or significant other, checking facebook, watching a youtube video, or even reading the news, these small devices connect such a large world. Than why do we sometimes feel so alone when we have the world at our finger tips? I decided to feature that idea as the concept of our video art. Earlier in the year, I ended a four year relationship with a guy I thought I was going to marry. Now, even though it's a good thing we aren't together, when we first broke up, the hardest thing I had to deal with was having all this technologies as reminders that I am alone. I was constantly checking my phone to see if he called, or texted, or sent me a message on facebook. But because every time I checked the screen was blank, I felt so alone and started to feel like I was going crazy. I know, so dramatic. Well that's the idea behind the video. That feeling of being alone when it is basically impossible for us to ever be alone. 

So enjoy! I edited this in Finalcut and created the music in Garageband. I filmed everything myself.

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