Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I have always thought of myself as a creative person. Growing up I was never involved in any sports or anything like that. Instead I danced, performed in theater, took singing lessons, and played musical instruments (guitar, cello, and a little clarinet). So when I was deciding what I should major in in college, I knew I wanted to do something with my creativity. I soon found out though, however that creativity involved with advertising and graphic design is very different from performing a musical number. In my first real try of being creative in my major was in my survey of advertising and public relations class. I soon found out that it was really hard to come up with  an interesting and creative idea. But it didn't seem as hard for some of my classmates to achieve. 

This was the first time I became worried that I wasn't going to be able to be successful in my major. I became, like Jason Theodor opened his speech with, intimidated that I wasn't original enough. This is something that I'm still working through, the fear that I might not be good enough. 

I would categorize my creative type to be an empath. I really understand the way things work, but I don't really have a lot of experience or faith in my own vision. I often struggle with being able to come up with ideas that are fully my own and when I do, I don't always know the best way to execute them. 

The best thing that I can do to get past this barrier is to continue practicing my craft. 
Jason uses a great quote that I feel like will help me get past this hurdle 

"Creativity is not a talent. Creativity is a drive" -Hugh Macleod

I feel like I have the drive to get better. I love the excitement and challenges that the advertising major has given me. I have been interning at an ADPR firm since this summer and I absolutely love my job. I am excited to come to work since no two days are the same. And I think that's why I'll drive to practice my creative side through the exercises proposed in this video. So that I can have a profession that I love and am passionate about. 

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